First stage of applying for a job is to write Curriculum Vitae (CV), in other words, Résumé. And it goes like that “How do I write my Curriculum Vitae (CV)”?
An attentive prepared CV takes you one step ahead. Because of that, CV should be faultless, remarkable and emphasized your abilities and experience. Whether you could invited for an interview or not is related to the strength of your CV.
Let’s have a look how we should write the CV?
Chronological or Functional CV
Most common format is chronological CV. From ending to beginning, you should write your experiences, trainings, educational background and personal information like phone number, mail and email addresses etc. It is easy to review and catch the details. Functional CV is generally used in case of having long-term experience. After decision of your type of CV, start to write it.
Work Experience
If you have job experience, it is most important part for you. Beginning of the CV, you can summarize your whole experience. After that, you should list your work experience from last to first. You should write job description for each job. It reflects your task knowledge. You need to focus your past experience. Try to remember what you do and what kind of tasks you achieve. These are really important for recruiters. Because your past success helps prediction of your possible future success. Focus on your experience and success and show them to the recruiters. It does not mean that write everything yo do, you should select the most important succes to share. The rest of them should be shared on the interview.
During your worklife, you may have various technical or soft skill trainings. These trainings are important for both your knowledge and being open to learn. You should write trainings you have on CV. However if they are so much, you can select some of them depends on their importance and relevance. Written trainings should be relevant to the job you are looking for.
Educational Background
This section is similar with the work experience part. You should also list your education from last to first. You can also write your project-based courses. If your grade is relatively good, you can write your grade to highlight it. Especially for juniors or fresh gradutes; educational background should be prepared carefully. You should emphasize your success of your education life and projects and awards if you have.
Another frequently asked questio is “should the photograph be attached?”. Actually there is no common answer for that. It depends on your country, opinion or sometimes the company. You should know the common sense about photograph on the CV and take an action accordingly.
Personal Information
Of course you should write personnal information like full name, mobile phone, address to connect with recruiters.
Finally you are ready to write your CV. After finishing it, please have a look two more seperate time to check it. There should not be any misspelling words or missing part.

If your CV is ready, you can start to look for a job. You are one step away from dream job.
Here is bonus. You can use online tool to write your CV. These tools give a chance to you to make it more attractive. You can use Canva to make your CV. It gives you a basic opinion and make it more colorful.
If you have a question about writing CV, you can ask me.