To have a job, firstly you need a CV (If you need advise for preparing CV, you should check this out). You will apply for a job with the CV and then you will have a job interview with the company. Being ready for an interview is really important. It can increase your chance to get the job. Therefore, you should prepare before the interview. Here are some tips for “How to prepare for a job interview?”.
1. Learn More About the Company
After setting the interview, you should search about the company and the recruiter. First step to get the information is search the company’s official website. Most of the companies have their own website and some information are written such as recruitment process, what the main services&producst, where the company is etc. Try to find out as much as possible. And, you should “google it”. Write down one of the search engine and find ou what it looks like. Another alternative to search is Linkedin. You can search the recruiter or the company’s employees. How long do they work in the company? You can try to predict turnover; if it is high, there might be a problem about sustainability. If you want, you can search the company’s social media account too. You might find some answers to your questions.
2. Study More Your Own CV
The interview process is not only about who you are, it is also related to how you can explain yourself and your achievements. List your achievements and try to find some figures to approve them such as how many projects did you achieve or how much money/time did you save etc. In the deep down, you may have so many experience and technical knowledge etc. However, you need to show to the recruiters and your potential managers. For that reason, you should prepare for the interview. You should tell your experience on your own loudly. Maybe you can record your voice while talking and then you can listen your own voice. How does it sound? Try and try again until feel comfortable and sounds good.
3. Read the Job Description Carefully
Check the job description before your interview. Read carefully and try to match it with your CV. Each item should be read and matched with your background. Try to find best examples to fit the listed items.
4. Be There on Time
If it is not an online interview, make sure you know the place where you go for an interview. Be there little early, check the place, look around and get in for an interview. Firstly, trust yourself and show your best in the interview.
Reading common interview questions might be beneficial too. Here is a link for you, you can check it out.
Good luck !