Finding a suitable job sometimes takes time and you should be patient during these period. Sooner or later it will end. Just think about what you can do. You can use some alternatives, which I mention below, to find a job or you can create your own alternatives. If looking for a suitable job takes more time than you think, don’t worry and don’t hesitate to wait to find appropriated job. Working at unsatisfied job can be more harmfull than waiting the right one. Please be strong while seeking a job.
Let’s start with how we can speed up and what we can do during seeking a job.
Set the Priorities and Constraints
Setting objectives like which kind of firms you want to work, which roles are suitable for you, how much time you can wait without working, which benefits you want to have etc helps you. When you list the priorities, you know your limits and also you know which one you can give up. When you have aim, managing the job search prosess will be more easier. So first step is setting the priorities and limits. Make a list about your priorities and limits. It is up to you. You can list from the most important things to the less important one. And also you can define which one you never want to have. When you search a job, take a look time to time and renew if needed.
Set the Alternatives for Seeking a Job
There are several alternatives to look for a job. Firstly, I listed the some alternatives:
- Using job search websites
- Searching companies’ own websites to find out vacant positions
- Getting information via references
- Getting in touch with consultants
- Career expos
You can combine listed alternatives based on your preferences. Some of them are easier than the others. For instance, most of the employees prefer to use job search websites. Companies post the job advertisement to fill the vacant positions, candidates apply and process keeps going with interviews. We will discuss interviews another article.
Depends on the job specifications, alternatives can change. Think about what you can do differently or more effectively.
Another part of seeking a job is connecting with other people who can support you. They can be your friends, families, ex-colleagues or ex-managers. Have a call with them. Networking is also impoartant to find a job. May be they can refer to another person who is searching for a candidate or tell you another alternatives to seek a job.
Keeping in touch is always important.
Job Search Process
We can not be sure how much time does looking for a job take. Hereby you should try to turn into this period to your advantage. Think about how you can do it. Improving foreign language skills, learning new applications or programmes, taking course to improve soft skills could be considered. You can also explain them in interview, it is beneficial for both you and your new employer.
Having an Efficient CV
When you start to look for a job, preparing CV is the first task. It represents you when you apply the job. Sometimes being a good candidate is not enough. You need to show them your abilities and experience. Having an efficient CV is the first way to show them. Recruiters firstly review your CV (résumé) and they’ll make a decision about you whether to invite you to a job interview or not. The CV that shows your skills and experience in the best way can shorten your job search time. You can read another article about writing a CV.
I hope these ideas can help you during looking for a job process.
You can check out listed services to look for a job. Linkedin, indeed are for job search and monster is for another article.
I wish you all good luck.