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When we start to talk about human resources, firstly recruitment comes our mind. It doesn’t matter whether you are a recruiter or job seeker, recruitment is one of the important functions in human resources. Employees point of view, everything related with companies we work starts with recruitment. There might be a job ads and you apply with a CV or the recruiter calls you like a headhunter to have an interview.

Required inputs are CV, interview, personality & talent assessment and job offer. Now let’s evaluate them separately in terms of job seekers and recruiters. It is best way to understand deeply and have an answer our questions about recruitment process.


Job Seekers Point of View

Job seeking period sometimes can be long or difficult to handle it. For every job seekers experience their own process. We should be aware of the process’ requirements and what we need among them and what parts we can improve. Let’s talk about each of common stages one by one.

  • First part of seeking a job has a CV or resume. It represents you, you can apply for a job with the CV. So first step is making perfect CV as much as possible.
  • Second part is an interview. Powerful CV takes you to the interview process. Some companies have more than one interview stage but basically they are similar.
  • Third part is related with talent & personality assessments. Not all, but some companies use these assessments. For the first time, you might feel strange but you get used to it a few times later.
  • Final stage is job offers. It is also more excited stage than others. But sometimes it can be difficult to make a decision.

These are basic types of recruitment stages for the candidates point of view. You can find some hints for the candidates.

Recruiters Point of View

For the companies, recruitment is also important, because you should hire the most suitable candidate for both your company and role. However I don’t mean that you should hire the best candidate. The best candidate does not mean that he/she fits for your company or role. However let’s have a look basic recruitment steps for recruitments.

  • First need is defining the position and role’s description.
  • Secondly, the job posts on the related carrier page ( it can be external & internal or both) based on the position.
  • And then, CV search to find possible suitable candidates and having an interview with them in order to evaluate their suitability.
  • Before the final stage, talent & personality assessments might be necessary depends on the role & company.
  • Finally, job is offered to most suitable candidate.

Before I finish my words, I would like to share with you this video to find out more. If you have comments or questions, don’t hesisate to share with me.

Thank you very much for time and attention to read.